Home Temple School of Sacred Studies new onsite and online course begins January 13, 2008.
Doctor of Vitalistic Healing
This three-year curriculum is designed for anyone interested in developing skills in the ancient vitalistic healing arts. They include therapeutic application of spiritual ritual, mantra, Tarot, Vedic Astrology, sacred toning, and plant alchemy. These powerful modalities can be integrated into the practices of health professionals and alternative healers. Those who satisfactorily complete the program will be awarded the Doctorate of Vitalistic Healing Degree (D.V.H.) by the Home Temple School of Sacred Studies.
Originating in the Vedas and taught specifically in the Atharva Veda, Vitalistic Healing has been practiced throughout the ages in the West, most notably by Empedocles in Ancient Greece, Paracelcus in Medieval Europe, and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. This is also a path of self knowledge, self empowerment, and making one’s own connections to the Divine World.
This course of studies has been developed by Willa Keizer with significant contributions, inspiration, and support from Work of the Chariot Mentor and Kabbalist Dan Bloxsom, Tarot scholar Christine Payne Towler, and Dr. Lewis Keizer, Grailmaster. It also contains teachings of Maharishi Jaimini as presented by Vedic Astrologer Sanjay Rath and others. The course is organized around a new Tarot deck called the Vedic Tarot, which holds all of the key information for Vitalistic work.
Please note that a Doctor of Vitalistic Healing works with the energy body using energetic remedies and has nothing in common with the mainstream allopathic approach, which treats the physical body in a mechanical way. The Doctor of Vitalistic Healing degree is a religious degree and not a medical degree. We are training doctors according to the original meaning the word rather than in the modern allopathic sense. The word “Doctor” originally indicated a religious teacher, adviser, and scholar, and we are using this word in accordance with its true meaning.
Willa Keizer has been initiated into many high-grade Eastern and Western spiritual schools, and has been consecrated as a Gnostic Bishop by her husband, Bishop Lewis Keizer. She is a practicing Classical Homeopath and Hypnotherapist. Willa is Director of the Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy, a professional training program in homeopathy. She is also a practitioner of Vedic Astrology and uses this modality to gain deeper insight into her homeopathic cases. She has been a teacher all her life and is offering this course to make the rich insights of the Vedic tradition available to Westerners, especially those in the helping professions.
Topics to be covered: (Didactic and experiential)
Five Elements
Seven Lokas
Nine Chakras
Tree Of Life and Ten Sephirot
Tarot Trumps
Tarot Pips
Planets and Their Dignities
Signs and Houses
Vedic Deities:
Vishnu Avatars
Shiva and His Forms
Divine Mother and Her Forms
Hebrew and Sanskrit Alphabet Mysticism
Vedic chart reading:
Birth chart (basic karmas we are born with)
Third divisional chart (longevity and health)
Sixth divisional chart (diseases and challenges)
Ninth divisional
chart (dharma)
Sixtieth divisional chart (past lives)
Nakshatras (lunar mansions)
Tarot reading
Lineage allies
Plant allies
Navakkari Chakra (seed mantras of the Divine Mother and related practices)
Kala chakra
Mantra prescriptions based on Vedic Chart
Harmonic intoning and sacred sounds – Hebrew and Sanskrit
Plant allies (spagyrics)
Making and choosing alchemical medicines
Yoga Nidra (sleep and dream work)
Yantras – sacred diagrams
Tarot remedies
For application or information please contact willa@homeopathyhome.net
Images on this page taken from the alchemy web site www.levity.com/alchemy.
Copyright Adam McLean 1997-2004